Peer-to-Peer Fundraising FAQs for Individuals and Organizations

What is a Peer to Peer Fundraiser?

A peer to peer (P2P) fundraiser is a supporter who rallies around a cause or an organization to fundraise on its behalf. These supporters create their own fundraising page as a spin-off of the organizations main India Giving Day profile. Peer to Peer Fundraisers will share that page with their network to expand the reach of the cause they support and bring in new donors. These individuals are passionate about the cause or the organizations work and use their voice to make a difference!

For Individuals Supporting Your Favorite Cause or Charity

It's time to show your love for your favorite nonprofit or charitable cause! India Giving Day is designed to make it easy for you to support the organizations and causes you care about.

You can champion your favorite cause and host a peer-to-peer fundraiser, even if you don't have a specific charity in mind. Click here to view all the organizations participating in IGD 2025. You can filter by cause using the filter bar on the page. Once you’ve chosen your charity, click here for step-by-step instructions on how to start a fundraiser.

Peer to Peer Fundraising for Organizations

Why create peer to peer fundraising?

Organizations that used Peer to Peer fundraising last year raised on average [3.4x] more than those who did not. Peer to peer fundraising has benefits beyond IGD: it expands your donor base, provides brand building opportunity for your charity, it is a fun and exciting way for your supporters to engage, and it’s a great way of finding new donors.

5 easy steps for peer to peer fundraising:

For the recording of IGD’s peer to peer training session, click here.

Step 1: Plan your Campaign

Define your goals, start spreading the word and plan how to recruit peer to peer fundraisers. Ask your strongest advocates, regular volunteers and board members for their inputs. Use this time to develop customized messaging for your fundraising champions. Use IGD templates to create compelling messaging, with your organization’s visuals, and story narratives to resonate with your donors. 

Step 2: Identify Your Fundraising Champions

Ask your most enthusiastic supporters to champion your cause and reach out to their networks on your behalf. This can include:

  1. Board of directors, regular volunteers, current or past donors, and staff. 
  2. Close friends or family members.
  3. Include people at all giving levels. 
  4. Directly ask your strongest supporters and send an open invitation to others as well.
  5. Enthusiasm and social followings can go a long way to success

Step 3: Support your Fundraising Champions to Succeed 

Your fundraising champions will need your support to have a successful campaign. Here are some ideas:

  1. Support your fundraising champions - Provide support on using the platform, sharing personal stories, and effective outreach strategies. 
  2. Personal fundraising pages creation - Encourage participants to set up personalized fundraising pages with their stories and goals and strategize on their outreach plans.
  3. Provide tools and custom messaging for your fundraisers – Make it easy for your fundraisers and provide them with the tools they need to be successful. Use IGD templates to create compelling messaging, with your organization’s visuals, and story narratives to resonate with your donors. 
  4. Host a kick-off event to energize your fundraisers and respond to their queries.
  5. Set up a regular meeting cadence – Meet or communicate regularly with your fundraisers to provide them with updates on campaign progress, success stories, and motivational messages. 
  6. For step-by-step instruction on how to create a peer to peer fundraiser on your IGD profile page click here.

Step 4: Campaign Launch and Active Fundraising

Make sure to launch your fundraising campaign by March 1 to kickstart donations early and provide enough of a runway for your supporters to reach out to their networks, friends, family, and colleagues for donations.

  1. Social Media Engagement: Utilize various channels like email, social media, website, and press releases to launch the campaign and publicize it. Share campaign updates, encourage your fundraisers to share with their networks and use relevant hashtags.
  2. Peer-to-peer outreach: Encourage participants to actively reach out to their personal networks and ask for donations. 
  3. Fundraising events: Consider organizing smaller events or challenges to boost momentum and engagement. 
  4. Matching Gifts and PrizesMake sure to let your fundraisers know about the peer to peer prizes and matching gifts made possible by RIST!! 

Step 5: Thanking your fundraisers and donors 

Send personalized thank you notes to all your fundraising champions and donors acknowledging their contributions and update them on the outcome of their campaign!!