Whether you’re a supporter who would like to help fundraise on behalf of your favorite organization, a business owner who would like to sponsor India Giving Day, a board member for a participating nonprofit, or an individual wanting to donate or volunteer, there’s a place for everyone to get involved during India Giving Day!


Is your favorite nonprofit participating in India Giving Day? Did you know that you can raise funds on their behalf by acting as their India Giving Day fundraiser? Creating a fundraising profile is quick, easy, and fun to do! Not to mention, you’ll help increase the incoming donations for your favorite cause. For ideas of how to host a community event, click here.

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Sponsoring India Giving Day means that your business helps out great causes while simultaneously gaining positive exposure through media opportunities and high traffic volume to the website. Learn more about becoming a sponsor for India Giving Day on our sponsors page.

Business & Sponsors


There’s lots of giving to be done for India Giving Day! Stay tuned to learn which organizations are going to participate in India Giving Day 2024. Meanwhile, think of ways to engage your friends, family, and community in India Giving Day. Teach your children about the importance of philanthropy and purchase an e-card for them to give to their favorite charities.



Are you looking for volunteer opportunities associated with India Giving Day? Not every participating nonprofit will have these opportunities available, but you can find out easily by visiting their giving profile. Simply search for your desired organization by typing in their name or cause and check out their profile to see if they’re looking for volunteers.



Did you know that there’s a positive correlation between having engaged board members and raising more money for Giving Days? India Giving Day makes increased engagement for board members easy by providing a free toolkit of promotional materials, social media graphics, email templates, and more!

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